
ADA Super Pour 100 (Previously Super 4)

Original price was: ₹495.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.

ADA Super 4 Aquarium Additive is now called Super Pour.

  • It consists of Bacter 100, Clear Super, and Tourmaline BC.
  • It is a substrate additive made from activated carbon and organic acid.
  • It helps the growth of microorganisms, absorbs organic pollutants, and prevents the substrate from becoming anaerobic.

ADA Bacter Ball (4Pcs)


ADA Bacter Ball is a sphere shape substrate additive made from Bacter 100.
You can place it on the substrate and inside the biological filtration system.
It helps keeping healthy condition of fish and shrimp nibbling on Bacter Ball

Pack of 4 Balls

Tropica Nutrition Capsules (10 Pcs)

Tropica Nutrition Capsules is an extra nutrient supplement – use tweezers to place the capsule in the gravel, close to the roots of fast-growing plants.
  • Nutrition Capsules contain both nitrogen, phosphor, iron and micro nutrients.
  • The nutrients are slowly released as the plants need them.
  • Use Nutrition Capsules for stem plants, Cryptocoryne, Echinodorus, Vallisneria etc. – all plants with sturdy roots.

ADA Super Pour 100 (Pack of 3)

Original price was: ₹1,485.00.Current price is: ₹1,200.00.

ADA Super 4 Aquarium Additive is now called Super Pour. This is a Pack of 3

  • It consists of Bacter 100, Clear Super, and Tourmaline BC.
  • It is a substrate additive made from activated carbon and organic acid.
  • It helps the growth of microorganisms, absorbs organic pollutants, and prevents the substrate from becoming anaerobic.

ADA Bacter 100 (100gm)


ADA Bacter 100 is a substrate additive, containing more than 100 kinds of substrate bacteria in a dormant state. By sprinkling on the base substrate, it can make an ideal substrate environment. By applying on top of blue green algae, it suppresses the growth of it. Volume – 100gms

ADA Clear Super (50gm)


ADA Clear Super improves water quality while promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. A highly refined activated carbon powder mixed with several nutrients that promote the growth of beneficial nitrifying bacteria. Supplying some to the substrate and some to the water, Clear Super absorbs excess organic substances and promotes the appearance of nitrifying bacteria. Clear Super thus removes organic substances from within the aquarium and keeps the water crystal clear. Highly effective when added at the bottom of the substrate with ADA Bacter 100.

ADA Tourmaline BC (100gm)


ADA Tourmaline BC contains fine bamboo charcoal, absorbing organic pollutant substances and tourmaline. Add some over the substrate during the initial set-up, and it will help to improve the substrate environment. Volume – 100gms

Tropica Nutrition Capsules (50 Pcs)

Tropica Nutrition Capsules is an extra nutrient supplement – use tweezers to place the capsule in the gravel, close to the roots of fast-growing plants.
  • Nutrition Capsules contain both nitrogen, phosphor, iron and micro nutrients.
  • The nutrients are slowly released as the plants need them.
  • Use Nutrition Capsules for stem plants, Cryptocoryne, Echinodorus, Vallisneria etc. – all plants with sturdy roots.

Aquascaping Starter Pack 1

Original price was: ₹5,280.00.Current price is: ₹5,100.00.

Aquascaping Starter Pack 2

Original price was: ₹8,760.00.Current price is: ₹8,450.00.