Pricing and Payments:
** – GST credit not available for certain products + additional shipping charges may be applicable for certain products due to shipping from separate drop shipping location or due to low cart amount. Additional charges if applicable will be displayed during checkout
Payment once made can not be cancelled or returned unless the non availability of items after placing the order where we will refund the full amount. If you refuse to accept your shipment without our confirmation and initiated return then both way courier charges will be deducted in the order amount and balance will be refunded to your account after receipt of return item in good condition. kindly note that reverse / return courier charges will be 2.5 times of forward courier charge.
EMI / PayLater / EasyPay :Â Additional charges may be applicable by card vendor based on your payment mode selection during checkout which includes EMI / PayLater. We are NO WAY connected with additional charges for your transactions for EMI based option. Please check respective banks for applicable charges for card mode payment for EMI / PayLater before choosing card based EMI